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44, male


Posts: 4

Part 1 - Europe's Fortune Is Its Problem

from admin on 06/03/2021 09:37 PM

I'll Play Devil's Advocate Here. I've Met Women Who Legit Need To Be Slapped. 100%. Women Who Are Acting Rude And Disrespectful. You Have No Ability To Do Anything About The Bitch Problem In America Because Of These Types Of Laws. I'm Not Any Expert In Russia's Law But I Do Support Decriminalizing Violence In Certain Situations, E.G. Duals Or Disrespect. Russia's Law Doesn't Look Too Bad To Me. We'll See If Their Society Becomes More Or Less Healthy As A Result But I Refuse This Western Idea That The Best West Society Is One With 0 Violence And I Think That's Part Of The Reason The West Is Soo Weak And Degenerate Today. I Find It Cool That You Believe That You Have A Right To Tell Russia (Or Any Other Nation) How They Should Behave. Well By Your Own Logic, The Russians Are Shit To Tell You To Follow Their Domestic Violence Policies. Your Internalized Imperialism Soo Offensive. The Rest Of The World Isn't Your Subject And You Don't Have Any Right To Tell Any Other Nation How To Behave And You Would Never Allow Other Nations To Change Your Values To Match Theirs. Who Determines What Rights Exist? Is Freedom Of Association A Right? Should It Be A Right? Rights Are A Substitute For Power. People Without Power Want People With Power To Treat Them A Certain Way, A Right. But Obviously That's Not A Stable Nash Equilibrium. If The People With Power Want To Defect, They'll Defect And Infringe Upon Your Rights Like We're Seeing Now. The Era Of Constitutions Protecting Your Rights Is Over. FUCK OFF EUROPE AND GO TO HELL.



44, male


Posts: 4

Internet EXPOSED: Interview with Cr1tikal

from admin on 04/10/2021 05:40 AM

Today, We would like to do something a whole lot different from the typical things we do.  So, Because most of the episodes take long to script, we will be doing a new segment called Internet Exposed. And our first guest we have on Internet Exposed is famous YouTube gamer, Cr1tikal!

Q: Welcome Cr1tikal. My First Question is: Do you believe in Jesus? And if so, What form?

C: Well, i wouldn't call myself Christian. But i do believe in God's existance. And his scary fucking power.

Q: Okay, Why do you choose to play and stream games on YouTube?

C: Mostly for fun. I'd just say just for fun. Nothing personal.

Q: We at REE Network think that playing games could harm developmental issues to children.

C: Personally, i wouldn't think so. No.  I think games can help with cognitive skills.

Q: Are you a fan of Disney?

C: Not a huge fan but i watched their movies.

Q: We found out that you were once partnered with Disney, this is true right?

C: That was Maker Studios, which i believe was owned by Disney at the time. So i sorta did. heh.

Q: Okay, Where do you stand politically? Are you a right-wing or left-wing?

C: Personally, I Would say Right-Wing since i was raised right-wing democrat. My family's had a whole history like that, pretty shitty though.

Q: Thoughts on modern-day journalism?

C: Its fucked up, man. Like nearly all of the YouTube journalists of today are fucking sickos. Like that guy DaftPina. I don't know what his deal is but he's fucked in the head. He goes out of his own way to harass witnesses of some of these groomers like Cosmodore, Mr Enter or John Bob. I personally know friends of DaftPina that planned on speaking out about his own grooming and manipulation, but they feared he might go after them.  DaftPina is a goddamned pedophile, man.

Q: So this DaftPina person is a pedohpiel?

C: Yeah. Like i said, DaftPina is crazy. I asked him if got any help, he just kept telling me he was alright. He didn't need therapy. I knew that there was something else wrong about him, he just wasn't fessing up. 

Q: Okay, our last question is this. If you were to quit gaming all together and become an editor for the REE Network, would you do it?

C: Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know really, but hey. You guys seem pretty awesome so i may work with you guys again. So thanks for having me on.

Q: Thanks!!

Well, that was the interview. We hoped you enjoyed it and as always  Please take care of kindness amongst others.



44, male


Posts: 4

Disney: A False Religion Disguised As Entertainment Corrupting Society

from admin on 04/04/2021 05:20 AM

On this episode, We will be uncovering the scams and the manipulation of America's favorite so-called magical place in the world: Disney and how they use your innocense as a way to con you into their beliefs and turn you into one of their Mousekateers.  I'm sure you might be saying Disney is the most innocent and harmless company in the world, and they have values that anyone can enjoy. Well, we are here to put that theory to test and rest.  This is a video depicting the shameful messages Disney is shilling to your children and your family.  These messsages promote the message of "Believing in Yourself before believing in others" and "Follow Your Heart, Not Your Mind".

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Lessons that God doesn't approve of in the slightest and even forbades you from doing.

Notice how all of these so-called lessons are shown in nearly every Disney-produced film. It even goes through non-Disney related content like Don Bluth's All Dogs Go To Heaven, Thumbelina and most notably The Land Before Time. Even though Bluth himself is a respected Mormon and does have strong faith in Jesus and God, this doesn't make him any different from Disney. The films shown to have these lessons listed are Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Pinocchio (1940)
Fantasia (1940)
Dumbo (1941)
Bambi (1942)
Cinderella (1950)
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Peter Pan (1953)
Lady and the Tramp (1955)
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
The Jungle Book (1967)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Aladdin (1992)
The Lion King (1994)   These films present a clear message that being free-spirited, peer pressure and questioning parental authority are what God doesn't want you to be. Free thinking can only work a short amount of time, and when that time is up, its God's thoughts that will be in your head. They also run these cryptic and convoluted Pagan churche known to us as Disneyland in Anaheim, California and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. You may think that these are fun little amusement parks for the family. But they are NOT. During the day, its all bright, colorful and adorable but during the night is when it turn into a cult that's despiciable & deplorable. Many people have named it "The Church of Mouse" located in the park's own castle where Deems Taylor is the pastor of this cult. 
Matthew 7:15 - Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Deems is known as the music critic host of Fantasia, but at nightfall, he hosts the blood ceremonies of the mouse, kidnapping innocent children and adults, sending them into the castle and pouring cold, dark ruby red blood from the children they slaughtered over the years on their bodies chanting "You will believe in the Mouse" & "Your God Does Not Exist, Your God Is Now The Mouse" over and over until they were turned into members of said religion known as Mousekateers. One anonymous person, who'll we will name Craig claimed that once back in 1987,  J.K. Taylor (The daughter of Deems Taylor) kidnapped and raped him in one of these churches and did it in the name of the mouse. She, like many others were possessed by Satan himself disguised as friendly children's character Mickey Mouse. He felt traumatized and said that the only way to rid himself of these nightmare-inducing rituals was to convert in the name of Jesus Christ and turn to his one, true devine power. He never watched another Disney movie even again after he was converted and baptized.  Disney may have plans to even cancel out any forms of Christianity at all if we do not do something about it. So we must spread the word of Jesus Christ more than we ever need to because Being a Mousekateer isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a gamer isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a anime fan isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a tokusatsu fan isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a D&D player isn't going to get you into heaven
Watching porn isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a communist  isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a normie isn't going to get you into heaven
Listening to K-pop isn't going to get you into heaven
Being a brony isn't going to get you into heaven
Being part of the SCP isn't going to get you into heaven

Only Jesus Christ can save people, and that gets you into heaven. So, do yourself a favor and make sure your family doesn't see a Disney film, doesn't listen to a Disney promoted message and to see the character of Mickey Mouse as both an Anti-Christ and a form of Satan. 

Please take care of kindness amongst others.



44, male


Posts: 4

Anime: The Devil's Sick Trick Against the Youths of Today and Tommorow

from admin on 04/02/2021 08:26 PM

We will be uncovering the deep, dark and dank secrets of Japan's greatest output: Anime today.  Now, i must warn you the things that will be said on this topic will feature mentions of misogyny, manipulation, rape and other mature themes. Readers have been warned.   You may ask, what is Anime? Is it a drug? Is it a way of life? Is it a book??  No, its an artform created in Japan by mobsters. That's right, mobsters. Kenichi Yamamoto, founder of the modern day Yakuza created the first anime ever made known as "Katsudō Shashin". After creating said film, children in Kobe started killing other children and it cause such a national outcry.  The main topics of every Anime known to the whole is showing sex and gore to children and developing adults. Thanks to this, these people are now traumatized for life, only knowing next to nothing of the outside world. Half of the anime programs of today, corrupt the mind with horrible images. And even back then, back in the old days. If you shown an all american boy or girl one of these animes back in the 1950s, you would've been charged with pedophillia and arrested quickly. Nowadays, Children will stay up all night watching Toonami on Cartoon Network sunday at 1 AM even before church. 

Hebrew 10:25 | "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
Doing this causes God to punish you in his word and ways. Every time you see an anime like Hunter X Hunter, My Hero Academia, Naruto Shippuden or Dragon Ball Super, You are taking the word of God and sinning upon it.  These shows corrupt the minds of innocent Christian youths and only the power of God and your faith can stop such a thing from happening. And its not just Anime, They also created Manga and Tokusatsu which tokusatsu used to be Christian, but now is considered the Christian equivalent of blackface.  Manga is the same as anime but in book form. Watching too much of it will make you feel possessed. Its not those chibi characters possess you. Its the Devil possessing you. He does it to you as a way to bring you unto his cult of burning Wiccans. So what can you do to stop this madness, You must pray to Jesus in his name, and ban your household off of anime &  manga. Nothing good can ever come out of those artforms.


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